Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Travel Journal

Well, not long now and raring to go! Mell gave me the idea of doing a travel journal to record my thoughts and keep bits and pieces from my week. I had a notebook from Smiths I bought ages ago so I have decorated it Disney style ready to take on my travels. I am hoping this will help me with my journalling when I come to scrap my photos - especially given how long it is likely to take me to finish my holiday album!

I got another wee pressie from Mell today - a really cute little 7gypsies mini-book made with tiny little envelopes. It is sooooo cute!

Had a wasted morning this morning, spending 2 hours doing a film quiz someone posted a link to on UKS! Still managed to get my application for Connexions finished though, so fingers crossed that all goes OK and I get an interview.

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