Well had a super fun day at the crop yesterday (((waves to crop buddies))) but as usual got nothing done (although it was noted that productivity increased significantly following Alix's departure!). I did complete this 6x6 Clematis LO and almost finished the Chester Zoo one, which got done and dusted after I got home. Am well on target for my 52 LOs, but didn't get any done for my Florida album.
Will admit to going stash shopping yesterday - all Paula's fault for pointing out that they had half price cardstock at the local shop. I needed some foam pads and a glue runner so of course could not resist looking at the bargains. Didn't break the diet though as I sold £13 of unwanted stash at the crop, and only spent £10 in the sale, so still have the halo intact (unlike some other people I know - I'm keeping my eye on you Ruthie).
Talked to the Gusmeister this morning and there is a slim chance we will get to Florida again this year! Yippeeeeee. Now all I need to do is nag him until he gives in.